On a very cold and rainy day in March some of the FBA Committee Members got together to clean out and tidy up the container/store at Fairmont Hotel in St Andrews.
The store holds not only all of the items we sell to our members (frames, foundation, jars, fondant and syrup) but also the extractors that we hire out to members plus lots of miscellaneous items such as display material for country shows and some old beekeeping equipment people donate to the association.
As another year of beekeeping begins we felt it was time for a good sort out, a good tidy up and a good clean up too. They say ‘many hands make light work’ and it proved just so: we soon emptied out all of the old boxes for recycling, did in an inventory of all our equipment and generally got the container looking much tidier and ship shape.
Do remember that if you join one of the Fife Beekeeping Associations we sell to our members at cost price, so you can save yourself a lot of money on basic beekeeping equipment like foundation, frames, fondant, jars etc…..another great reason to join your local association!