Scottish Beekeepers Conference 2022 including the Scottish National Honey Show by Enid Brown

For the first time both Fife associations hosted the Scottish Beekeepers conference on 30th September and 1st October, at Kinross Community Campus. Also for the first time the Scottish National Honey Show (SNHS) was part of the conference. I really didn’t know how many exhibits to expect and was very pleased with the response. We had 47 exhibitors and 263 entries. A record for the SNHS

Paul Boyle judging honey
Paul Boyle judging honey
Joyce Nisbet judging candles
Moyra Davidson judging honey


Novice and Junior classes
Cut comb classes
Beeswax display classes

The conference itself was well received. On Friday evening we had Ruary McKenzie-Dodds talking on Dragonflies. He is a lively and interesting speaker and the subject was fascinating. On Saturday there were trade stands and two speakers, Pam Hunter talking on ‘How to attract Pollinating Insects into your garden’ and ‘Evolution of Plants and Insects’. Then Lars Chittka talked on the ‘Mind of a Bee’ and ‘Social Intelligence’. Both were very much appreciated and some of the feedback forms asked for Pam and Lars to return. If you were not there then you missed a great weekend.